Thursday, April 9, 2009

Coming out of hibernation!

Sometimes winter seems so long...especially when going to school. This last semester I took Professional Seminar. It was only a 2 credit class but for some reason I had a hard time keeping up with all the papers and assignments. How grateful I am that it is finished! I found it interesting that even in the required book for the class it stated, "You know, you don't have to do this!" Just like Satan leaning over my shoulder--tempting me to quit. But I'm hanging in there--taking the summer off to find my counters and floors and then I will begin again in September--only three more classes to go!!!! Our kids and families are doing great which always make us proud. We have a new little one on it's way --due in September. I'm so happy to be able to enjoy so many blessings in my life.

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

Congratulations on the new grandbaby on the way. Way to hang in there with school. Keep it up!