Thursday, November 19, 2009

Norah's Blessing

On November 1, 2009, Norah Mei Marble was blessed by her daddy in church. I was especially honored because she wore my blessing dress that I wore 52 years ago, Aimee wore 30 years ago, and Kelli wore 29 years ago to be blessed in. What a sweet little angel she is! Welcomed to a family that loves her very much.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Norah Mei Marble

Our fourth grandchild; Norah Mei Marble was born on September 22, 2009! I was bless to be able to spend a week helping Aimee and Jake with their family! She is already a month old---I'm amazed how time flies so much faster the older I get. Helen loves her little sister --- what a blessing to have two healthly girls! Norah is the spitting image of Helen when she was a baby. It will be interesting see how she changes in the months to follow!

Monday, September 14, 2009


We are patiently waiting the birth of another grandbaby. Baby Girl Marble is past due to come into this world and Grandpa and Grandma is jumping everytime the phone rings. All false alarms! Hang in there Aimee and Jake---we are excited and can't wait!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chili Sauce

Each year while everyone is canning salsa, I always take a slightly different way to can those good tomatoes. I grew up enjoying roast beef with chili sauce. It is about the same as salsa but with a sweet taste. It has cinnamon, celery seed, ginger, pepper, salt, and allspice. Tomatoes, green peppers, red peppers, and onions make up the bulk of the sauce. I absoutely love it! This year we threw in a jalapeno pepper--just the right kick.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fun in Park City

Warren and I spent last week in Park City. It is nice to get away where daily chores aren't calling your name. Allthough the chores and items are saved up to attend to the moment you get home! We arrived in Park City on Saturday. Jake, Aimee and Helen joined us on Monday. We drove to Mirror Lake on Tuesday midmorning. It was windy and cold. It didn't occur to us to take jackets and such. As we were eating our picnic lunch, Helen expressed her true feelings when she said, "Let's get out of here!".
Couldn't have said it better myself. lol
We enjoyed Thai food Tuesday night on Main Street. Then on Wednesday, Tyler, Ashley, Ryker, and Carter joined us for the rest of the week.
Thursday was a play day of riding rides and enjoying each other's company.

Cutest kids in Park City! Thursday was a full day of fun and sun!

We ate that night at Main Street pizza and Noodle. We have eaten there before when our kids were young.

Ready to go again?


"My daddy can throw us so-o-o-o


"Now.... what did they teach me in swimming lessons?"

What a wonderful vacation!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 31st Anniversary!!!!

Today is our wedding anniversary. At times it seems like we are still in our "early years" of marriage and at other times I can't remember life without him. I think back to years that bring tears to my eyes and wonder how we made it through--not our marriage but just living. Warren has been my strength in so many ways--physically, emotionally, mentally, --- everything. I can truly say that I know I would not be alive if I didn't have him by my side. We make a good team. I hope we have 31 more years together on this earth. we have been blessed with 3 wonderful children for which we are grateful. we started out in our marriage wanting 12 children --then it went to 8 --then 6 ---and by the time Tyler arrived we decided that 3 was a great number. What a wonderful life this is because of the blessing of having Warren by my side.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
nor sun without rain.
But he did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Mom

My Mom and I were able to take a trip up north to Yellowstone the middle of July. It was a nice drive and we had a good time talking. Since she didn't want to get out of the car at Old Faithful--we drove around the parking lot at least 15 times until Old Faithful blew--we pull off the road to the curb and watched. I did convince her to get out of the car long enough for me to take her picture. I have had Mom living with Warren and I since Dad passed away. I loved having her with me and my love for her grew so much stronger. I admire the strength she has. She was my father's ears and best secretary anyone could ask for. She moved back to Utah the end of July--couldn't keep her in this windy Idaho any longer. I miss her and love her very much! Thanks Mom for all you do for me!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day at the Zoo

Last Saturday Ashley & I took the kids to the zoo. We had a great time enjoying the nice weather. I like to see the cousins play together, even though it is not often. Warren and I feel very blessed to have the children, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and grandchildren that we do. Of course I think they are the cutest kids in the whole world!!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Changes to the landscape

We have been wanting for quite awhile to get a fence in for the cows to wander a bit more. Luckily circumstances have made it possible this year. It ended up a bit larger than expected but we do really like it. Now if we can keep the little cows from getting out under the fence we will be in good shape!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today was a beautiful day and a great day to get some things done which I haven't had time in quite awhile because of school. I washed windows inside and out, washed the deck off in hope of a new barbecue grill, and did laundry. I had some confrontation with an ugly spider but in the end I won--a dust buster comes in handy! I know I am going to enjoy this summer!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Coming out of hibernation!

Sometimes winter seems so long...especially when going to school. This last semester I took Professional Seminar. It was only a 2 credit class but for some reason I had a hard time keeping up with all the papers and assignments. How grateful I am that it is finished! I found it interesting that even in the required book for the class it stated, "You know, you don't have to do this!" Just like Satan leaning over my shoulder--tempting me to quit. But I'm hanging in there--taking the summer off to find my counters and floors and then I will begin again in September--only three more classes to go!!!! Our kids and families are doing great which always make us proud. We have a new little one on it's way --due in September. I'm so happy to be able to enjoy so many blessings in my life.