Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Mom

My Mom and I were able to take a trip up north to Yellowstone the middle of July. It was a nice drive and we had a good time talking. Since she didn't want to get out of the car at Old Faithful--we drove around the parking lot at least 15 times until Old Faithful blew--we pull off the road to the curb and watched. I did convince her to get out of the car long enough for me to take her picture. I have had Mom living with Warren and I since Dad passed away. I loved having her with me and my love for her grew so much stronger. I admire the strength she has. She was my father's ears and best secretary anyone could ask for. She moved back to Utah the end of July--couldn't keep her in this windy Idaho any longer. I miss her and love her very much! Thanks Mom for all you do for me!!!

1 comment:

Ma and Pa said...

Isn't it special to have that time with your Mom? Time goes buy too fast, and we loose the ones that mean the most to us. Hope you get to visit her often. Family is very near and dear to my heart as well!
Hugs, Nickie