Sunday, January 17, 2010

A New Year

Christmas has come and gone. A brand new year faces me--and of course, a new class for school. Research. I'm glad that I can see an end in sight. I'm getting tired of always worrying about assignments, projects and tests. Two more semesters (counting this one) left. Just hang in there. New Year Resolutions....I'm not very good at them. I have found that life happens and sometimes even the most sincere resolutions are broken. So for the most part, I don't make them. But these are the few things I hope to acomplish in the year 2010: 1- Finish school 2- Try to lose some of the fluff I've gained 3- Become more active I am thankful for where I am in life. I love my family, job, and my life. I am thankful for the friends that I have. This will be a good year!


Bridgette said...

Good luck on your resolutions Cheri! I hope you do better than me. I didn't know you were in school. Good for you! It sounds like you are in the home stretch. Keep up the good work.

Our Family said...

we are going to celebrate when you finally graduate! i have so much admiration for you Cheri! I honestly cannot even imagine going back to school! I probably should, but the thought scares me to death! Way to go! Love you lots! thanks for being such a great neighbor, friend and now RS President! You're #1! love, katie