Monday, July 26, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!

I remember when I was thinking about going back to school---and that I would be 50 something before I would graduate. It seemed so far off ---like it would never happen. I finally did it!! Not that there weren't tears, late nights, and a whole lot of papers and discussion boards (UCK!). I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing!!!! I am proud that I stuck with it! I hope that I am a bit smarter and a bit wiser.
In thinking that my life would be free to read, watch movies, and eat Bon Bons, I was quite shocked and surprised when the Bishop called me in to his office. It must not be my time to read, watch movies and eat Bon Bons. It is time that I become much more humble and a better servant of our Heavenly Father. So----life is busy still but in a good way. I was called as Relief Society President of our Hibbard 4th Ward. I didn't even think that the Bishop knew who I was. Well, I knew he knew who I was but not beyond that. With that thought, and other reasons, I am sure the calling came from my Heavenly Father. I haven't ever been a Relief Society President but I am trying to learn. I have two great counselors and a fabulous secretary! That's how I will be able to do this calling.
Warren and I are keeping busy with the house and the animals. We bought a new dog a couple of months ago. It is an Australian Shepherd. He name is Cooper and is a great dog. Best we have had. We have added a few more cows to the herd also. I am thinking that a few projects will be accomplished with a little extra time now that school is finished.


Bridgette said...

First, I love the changes to your blog! I haven't been on in a while, and I wasn't sure I was in the right place. Love the background and the music!! Congratulations on getting your degree. What an accomplishment. You will be a great Relief Society President. Best of luck with that! Good luck with the dog and cows. Keep posting!

Aimee said...

Congratulations, Mom! I knew you could do it. I love you!

Our Family said...

You are ONE AMAZING WOMAN and example! Thanks for thinking of me and taking me and Annalee to the Relief Society really are a fabulous RS president and friend/neighbor! I only wish I could be in RS more often, but I am making for a good primary substitute! :) thanks for all your time you put into your doesn't go unnoticed!

Our Family said...

i meant to say CONGRATS too! you are inspiring!